For Parish Council contact information, please see the Councillors page. To view the minutes of the monthly Parish Council meetings since July 2015, please click on the Meetings page at the top of this screen. To access older minutes, please contact the Parish Clerk.
To comply with the Local Audit & Accountability Act 2014, the Council is required to publish certain Transparency Code financial information and this is available on the Finance page.
Councillor Vacancies
We are appealing to the Knodishall residents to join the Parish Council.
If you are interested, please contact the Parish Clerk,,
Knodishall's Community Defibrillator is located in a bright yellow cabinet at the front of Crisps Paramount Garage on Leiston Road (See photo on the Gallery page). Anyone needing immediate help in a cardiac emergency should call 999 and if appropriate you will be given a simple code to access the defibrillator.
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